
For more information, see the search syntax documentation. Search results are sorted by creation date.

Search Results

Sonata Dusk

Site Administrator
Site Developer
For Realzies
AMS has had a fundraising page up for over a year… and not had anything to put into it, besides requesting supporting the parent project. During this prealpha period, that's been fine. But the site is growing, registrations are picking up (even though I've never advertised this site…) and new content appears every day. Soon it'll be time to expand the core server and add 1-2 more servers, which means it'll be a bit more than $2/day!

There is one hard requirement which has stymied my personal search: Any services must allow adult content. Smut has never been a focus of AMS, but we definately do not want to have to start splitting hairs over what is and what is not allowed at an arbitrary time down the road, or have to do a literal decimation of our database.

So, I turn to you, the Mobians of What services have you used and can recommend? I am looking for:

• a recurring patronage system (Patreon-style),
• a one-off donation system (Ko-Fi-style), and
• a merchandise system (RedBubble style).

Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 total

Default search

If you do not specify a field to search over, the search engine will search for posts with a body that is similar to the query's word stems. For example, posts containing the words winged humanization, wings, and spread wings would all be found by a search for wing, but sewing would not be.

Allowed fields

Field SelectorTypeDescriptionExample
authorLiteralMatches the author of this post. Anonymous authors will never match this
bodyFull TextMatches the body of this post. This is the default field.body:test
created_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation time of this post.created_at:2015
idNumeric RangeMatches the numeric surrogate key for this
myMetamy:posts matches posts you have posted if you are signed in. my:posts
subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
topic_idLiteralMatches the numeric surrogate key for the topic this post belongs to.topic_id:7000
topic_positionNumeric RangeMatches the offset from the beginning of the topic of this post. Positions begin at 0.topic_position:0
updated_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation or last edit time of this post.updated_at.gte:2 weeks ago
user_idLiteralMatches posts with the specified user_id. Anonymous users will never match this term.user_id:211190