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Posted by Rainbow Dash
15Go to post by Sonata Dusk
HTTPS is broken
Posted by shantih19
3Go to post by shantih19
Sneaky Ponies
Posted by Rainbow Dash
13Go to post by Mobian #3776
Suggest fundraising!
Posted by Sonata Dusk
6Go to post by Mobian #ED0C
Thumbnails Not Yet Completed
Posted by Sonata Dusk
1Go to post by Sonata Dusk
Video uploads broken?
Posted by Sonata Dusk
2Go to post by Mobian #86DD
Policy change: UIs as signs of WIPs
Posted by Sonata Dusk
3Go to post by Mobian #8333
Sharing broken
Posted by Sonata Dusk
2Go to post by Mobian #4D3C
being constantly signed off
Posted by sinrizuki
1Go to post by sinrizuki
Twitter scraper is broken
Posted by Surge
1Go to post by Surge
Suggest adverts!
Posted by Rainbow Dash
1Go to post by Rainbow Dash
Monitor Icon Broken
Posted by Sonata Dusk
2Go to post by Rainbow Dash