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in a COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED MOVE, i did the thing i always do

So for unnamed custom wolf guy, i think he looks like a dweeb. He looks JUST like…. its kind of hard to explain, but like, the "middle school-age boy writes a fanfic where his oc joins forces with sonic to stop eggman" or something, he looks EXACTLY like that. you know those characters which are obvious self-inserts because they have so many traits in common with the creator, like… oh, they might have the same kind of eyes, the same hair color, or they're the creator's favorite color, the creator's favorite animal, they shoot grappling hooks out of their wrists just like the creator, etc?

well i…. forgot where i was going with that, but also
Oh wait i remembered now. Basically like, you know, the "mary sue" who gets to partner with sonic and save teh day or something. Essentially I imagine the red wolf being like the kind of kid who would write that kind of story.

The red wolf has this oddball military outfit, so i imagined him having parents in the military/working for GUN or something. Depends on how it is with the plot in Forces, but anyway.
I imagine him as being a bit of a socially awkward dweeb, with some strange obsessions with like, i dont know, jets or military related things, like that one kid in class who's always doodling tanks and can tell you what… like, uh, what kind of… tank it is, like the uh, the model number or whatever, or he's like a history nerd and remembers all the dates and details of the battles, or something in that "genre," but basically the point is he admires his parents a lot and wants to be just like them or something, to the point he wears a weird utility belt to school all the time.
He's wide-eyed and naive. Probably a bit of a pessimist/over-prepared sort, but easily impressed and very genuine. But he is also very shy and quiet, so he doesnt have any friends. I feel like he just moved to a new town and started going to a new school just before The Plot Starts. He probably got teased and doesnt have much self-esteem.

After eggman attacks, his parents are fighting back against eggman's stupid robot army or whatever etc, but at some point something happens something something…. parents probably get like Infinited or something…. by that i mean like brain controlled, or turned into cubes, and forced to serve the badguys. And then, probably there's like attacks and stuff, whatever….
With no other choice, the red wolf guy joins the resistance along with other kids from his school — aka the other "custom heroes." And gradually he starts to come out of his shell and they all bond on the battlefield etc etc.
I picture him being awkward and nerdy, but endearing, especially as he develops confidence from being needed, and then he gradually becomes a boring shonen protagonist etc

His dad is probably not a soldier exactly, but more of like a tactician type. He wears glasses/contacts probably. His mom is the kind of person who shoots like a really cool weapon.
I think the dad's name would be Brick and the mom's name could be Mortar or something. And her tomboyish nickname is Morty. But to be fair you need a really high IQ to understand how dumb these jokes are


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