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This is a fake movie poster (sketchy concept art) for one of the Sonic AUs in my head. As if Dr. Eggman in the Archie Sonic universe (Post-Super Genesis Wave) was somehow replaced by Dr. Robotnik from Sonic Movies 2020/2022 and turn out the latter Eggman successfully defeat the heroes and rule most part of the Archie world.

In spite of achieving all of his previous goals, probably because of boredom or something else we don't exactly know (yet). Few years after his accomplishment, he later decide to hire quite a LOT of guys and gals from the different universes from time to time. Mainly to sort out some of his 'certain problems' in his own world or just for his personal 'entertainment'. Along with helping these new 'partners' and clients to sort out their problems as well (but only if he interested in those matters, however). And the story of my AU will begins at this point.

For more details, please click the source link (original art in my DA account).
+ safeSign in to Watch29952 + artist:fereiseSign in to Watch10 + abyss the squidSign in to Watch5 + agent stoneSign in to Watch91 + akhlut the orcaSign in to Watch5 + axel the water buffaloSign in to Watch7 + bark the polar bearSign in to Watch52 + battle lord kukku xvSign in to Watch9 + bean the dynamiteSign in to Watch63 + bearenger the grizzlySign in to Watch15 + beauregard rabbotSign in to Watch3 + black doomSign in to Watch70 + blade the sharkSign in to Watch5 + bocoeSign in to Watch3 + bokkunSign in to Watch11 + breezie the hedgehogSign in to Watch23 + carrotia the rabbitSign in to Watch22 + cassia the pronghornSign in to Watch58 + clove the pronghornSign in to Watch56 + clutch the opossumSign in to Watch8 + coconutsSign in to Watch20 + conquering stormSign in to Watch10 + cubotSign in to Watch36 + dark gaiaSign in to Watch9 + dave the internSign in to Watch15 + decoeSign in to Watch3 + dingo (sonic underground)Sign in to Watch3 + dr. finitevusSign in to Watch13 + dr. starlineSign in to Watch87 + eclipse the darklingSign in to Watch21 + falke wulfSign in to Watch17 + fiona foxSign in to Watch118 + geoffrey st. johnSign in to Watch18 + grounderSign in to Watch39 + hershey the catSign in to Watch11 + honey the catSign in to Watch149 + infinite the jackalSign in to Watch329 + ixis naugusSign in to Watch5 + jet the hawkSign in to Watch255 + kit the fennecSign in to Watch475 + lahSign in to Watch8 + lien-daSign in to Watch37 + lord hoodSign in to Watch6 + mammoth mogulSign in to Watch7 + master zikSign in to Watch10 + matilda the armadilloSign in to Watch7 + maw the thylacineSign in to Watch6 + mephiles the darkSign in to Watch133 + metal sonicSign in to Watch410 + miles (anti-mobius)Sign in to Watch155 + nack the weaselSign in to Watch103 + nephthys the vultureSign in to Watch10 + nicolette the weaselSign in to Watch10 + orbotSign in to Watch39 + phageSign in to Watch6 + robotnikSign in to Watch597 + rosy the rascalSign in to Watch26 + rough the skunkSign in to Watch5 + scourge the hedgehogSign in to Watch409 + scratchSign in to Watch72 + silver sonicSign in to Watch18 + snively robotnikSign in to Watch24 + sonar the fennecSign in to Watch12 + storm the albatrossSign in to Watch72 + surge the tenrecSign in to Watch533 + thunderbolt the chinchillaSign in to Watch71 + tumble the skunkSign in to Watch5 + tundra the walrusSign in to Watch8 + wave the swallowSign in to Watch197 + wendy naugusSign in to Watch14 + zavokSign in to Watch18 + zazzSign in to Watch13 + zeenaSign in to Watch34 + zomomSign in to Watch10 + zorSign in to Watch11 + ocSign in to Watch2050 + oc:byte the goatSign in to Watch4 + oc:cipher the owlSign in to Watch2 + oc:eggetteSign in to Watch14 + oc:sofia the gorgonSign in to Watch3 + oc:sonic.exeSign in to Watch111 + dingoSign in to Watch5 + bride of the conquering stormSign in to Watch1 + crossoverSign in to Watch539 + deadly sixSign in to Watch6 + everyone is hereSign in to Watch72 + fleetway super sonicSign in to Watch61 + groupSign in to Watch935 + lyric the last ancientSign in to Watch1 + nazoSign in to Watch6 + simple backgroundSign in to Watch11785 + sketchSign in to Watch1559 + sleetSign in to Watch3 + wall of tagsSign in to Watch50 + white backgroundSign in to Watch5646


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