Amy: que ha pasado? Sonic: parece que hubieramos despertado de un trance. Amy: que horrible vision… Sonic: estas bien Amy… Amy: si , estoy bien… Sonic: Tails, tu estas bien…?
Sonic voltea hacia donde se supone que estaba Tails y nota que el esta en el suelo con una gran herida…
Sonic — Amy: TAILS!! Sonic corre a toda velocidad hacia el… Sonic: por favor resiste hermanito… Tails: so…so…nic… — pierde el conocimiento… Sonic: TAILS!!! ___ English: by :iconchains45: Amy: What happened?
Sonic: It would appear that we woke up from a transition.
Amy: What a horrible vision.
Sonic: Are you OK amy?
Amy: Yeah, im okay.
Sonic. Hey Tails, are you OK?
Sonic turns were Tails supposdley supposed to be and finds out that he is in the floor with a big injury.
Sonic and Amy in Unison: TAILS!!!
Sonic runs as fast as he can to Tails.
Sonic: Tails, please hold on bro.
Tails:…nic… faints
Sonic: TAILS!!!!! ___ Art by :iconsilveralchemist09: Fic Written by :iconsilveralchemist09: Tails by SEGA