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Well, after a month of waiting, here's the next page of DTU. Here, we briefly examine the final flashback Tails has, where he preformed kareoke. While I personally thought that Tails had it coming, sine HE was the one who made the bet about being able to catch Sonic, he STILL was the one who won the bet, and Sonic should have known that.

Out of all the pages I've done, I'm the most proud of this one so far. I found a new flashback style, and I loved doing the teardrop effects. And I freaking NAILED the expression in panel 6! (I know the fanfic said that his expression also was sad and hurt, but I wasn't all to happy with the expression that all equaled to, so I decided to make it just an overall menacing expression.

And for those who read the first chapter, you'll notice that I added dialogue in a place that wasn't there. Let me explain: Me and Grim had talked about how I was going to do that scene, since there was no talking, and it wouldn't work without dialogue, and just might've been a fanfic-only scene. Ultimately, we decided that I would add dialogue for the sake of the comic. It was originally going to be "Still, it's not like my life is without it's good points. After all, my life has three," but I realized that it was more redundant than a Tommy Wisuea line, so I edited it.

Still, I hope you enjoy, and I hope it was worth the wait. Now, I gotta go work on Emily the Bunny's baby design. X3

Dark Tails Unleashed~ Chapter 1 Page 3 by TheCareBearGirl

Dark Tails Unleashed~ Chapter 1 Page 5 by TheCareBearGirl

The fanfic belongs to :icongrimlock1997:
I own the artwork
safe25666 artist:thecarebeargirl42 amy rose4360 knuckles the echidna1484 miles "tails" prower6656 sonic the hedgehog8880 sticks the badger165 zooey the fox58 badger39 echidna542 fox2037 hedgehog5645 comic:dark tails unleashed16 fanfic:dark tails unleashed37 2017412 abstract background4855 comic438 crying455 dialogue1913 english text3021 fanfiction art99 female4059 flashback4 flat colors419 group766 karaoke2 male4355 microphone60 outdoors835 sad219 sonic boom (tv)381 tears340 tears of sadness139 thinking80 water185


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